My Application

14.11.2023 - 15.11.2023


+380 44 496-86-45


Сompany category

Field of Activity


Вибрано експонентів: 497

Протигрибкові препарати.

Turner & Townsend build trust between clients, suppliers, governments and society through the capability, care and commitment that our teams bring. Delivering major programmes, programme management, cost a...

Стенд: 1-B-18

Засоби по догляду за нігтями та руками. Професійна косметика по догляду за руками. ,

The Union of European Scaffolding Companies (UEG) represents the interests of the scaffolding industry in Europe. It was founded in 2008. Its members are national scaffolding associations from 10 different...

Стенд: 1-A-9

Професійна косметика по догляду за руками. ,

The Ukraine Britain Business Council has as its objectives the facilitation of trade, investment, and the transfer of knowledge through high level partnerships between business and industry in the United K...

Стенд: 1-B-18

Засоби по догляду за ротовою порожниною. , Засоби особистої гігієни. Протигрибкові препарати. ,

Ukrainian Wind Energy Association is the largest renewable energy industry association in Ukraine. The UWEA was founded in 2008 to support the activities stakeholders of the Ukrainian wind energy market,...

Стенд: 3-A-13

Засоби по догляду за ротовою порожниною. , Масажні засоби. , Протигрибкові препарати. ,

Ukrainian TSO, Observer Member at ENTSO-E, and a key electricity market participant. The company ensures balance in the power system, operation and development of trunk and interstate grids, parallel opera...

Стенд: National Pavilion “The Energy of Ukraine”

Засоби по догляду за ротовою порожниною. Протигрибкові препарати. ,

Ukrhydroenergo is the largest hydropower generating company in Ukraine, 100% shares of which belong to the state. Ukrhydroenergo provides coverage of peak loads, frequency and power regulation, and a mobi...

Стенд: National Pavilion “The Energy of Ukraine”

Аптечна косметика. , новий бренд. , Засоби по догляду за нігтями та руками. , Професійна косметика для обличчя та тіла.

The union is an organization of leading producers of construction products in Poland. The enterprises gathered in the Union have production and technological potential that can be used in the reconstructio...

Стенд: 1-C-16

Аптечна косметика. , Професійні засоби догляду за волоссям. , Дистриб'ютор / Імпортер. , БАДи, нутрікосметика, вітаміни.

Universal Stal Sp. z o.o., founded in 1994 on the beginning as a part of Universal Stahl und Eisen GmbH and a full subsidiary of Salzgitter AG since 2002, is one of the most competent and highest performin...

Стенд: 4-A-16

Професійна косметика по догляду за руками. , Професійні засоби для лікування волосся. , Масажні засоби. , Засоби особистої гігієни. Протигрибкові препарати. ,

Valmet is a leading global developer and supplier of process technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries. With our automation systems and flow control solutions we serve...

Стенд: 1-A-28; 3-C-4; 3-C-2

Побутова хімія. , Професійні засоби догляду за волоссям.

Van Mark Products, founded in 1964, manufactures tools and equipment for bending, forming, cutting and slitting metal for the construction industry. Our tools are lightweight and portable for use at a cons...

Стенд: 1-C-20