My Application

13.11.2024 - 14.11.2024


+380 44 496-86-45


Сompany category

Field of Activity


Selected exhibitors: 500

Хімічні пілінги. , Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари. Гель-лаки. ,

Hobbit House LLC is a Ukrainian production and construction company specializing in the production of reinforced concrete products. With the beginning of the war, we refocused on building reliable and safe...

Stand: 1-D-1


Hortilife is a leading player in the greenhousing market. We deliver modern “turn-key” greenhouses that meet the best standards using Dutch knowledge and research centres and several technical partners. Ho...

Stand: 1-B-6; 1-С-4


HoSt Energy Systems is a family company from the Netherlands and leader in high-tech renewable energy systems. Our systems are equipped with proprietary technologies. Designed to maximize efficiency and en...

Stand: 1-B-6; 1-С-4

Засоби по догляду за нігтями та руками. , Реконструкція волосся. Професійні шампуні, кондиціонери, маски, бальзами. ,

Howden Turbo GmbH, part of Chart Industries since 2023, in Frankenthal, Germany stands for steam turbines, turbo compressors and turbo fans. Since its foundation in 1899, the original AG KKK has developed,...

Stand: 1-C-2/5

УФ-лампи. , Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари. Професійні засоби для лікування волосся. ,

HUSSOR is a French manufacturer of heavy metallic formwork. Productivity, Ergonomics and Quality are the key values of our equipment.

Stand: 1-A-4

Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари. , Професійні засоби для лікування волосся. , Манікюрний інструмент. ,

Hydrema is a leading manufacturer of earthmoving equipment with over six decades of engineering excellence. Expanding its expertice to the defence sector, Hydrema offers an array of armored vehicles to mee...

Stand: 1-C-6

Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари. , Фрези, насадки.

Hydro-Vacuum S. A. is a dynamically developing leader of the pump industry in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe with many years of experience. The history of the factory dates back to 1862. In developi...

Stand: 4-D-14

Інструменти та аксесуари для манікюру. , Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари. , Професійні засоби догляду за волоссям. , Фрези, насадки.

The quality and technology leader Ifw specializes in the development and production of high-tech tools for joining plastic pipes.

Stand: 4-C-20

Інструменти та аксесуари для манікюру. , Перукарські інструменти та аксесуари.

All our products are developed in-house, with and for the emergency services. Our main focus is to increase safety for emergency services personnel while also making handling as simple as possible so that...

Stand: 4-C-20

УФ-лампи. , Все для нарощування волосся. ,

Created in late 2012 to support the France Très Haut Débit (High-Speed Broadband) Plan, the InfraNum federation brings together more than 200 companies representing all professions within the digital infra...

Stand: 1-A-4